Toro Sashimi

2015-07-19 10.50.01

We felt like we hit the jackpot. A little while ago I was doing my irregular visit to the fishmarket. I walked past the sashimi section and noticed blue fin tuna was on sale. Yellow fin is on sale every day so this was a little unusual. I also thought all the blue fin would be exported or not sold at the retail level. Guess it was in season. The one thing that caught my eye wasn’t that it was blue fin on sale.

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Ilford 3200, Market St Sydney

ilford (1 of 1)

Ilford 3200. More grains that I expected. Shot with Olympus OM 1. I think 50mm. I think f2.8 or f4 at 1/30 or 1/60. I saw the guy smoking. As he blew the smoke, I took my position for his next breathe out. I took 1 quick as I saw the ciggie light up red. I missed the next shot and then he left.

Fuji GW690 II

Fuji 690 II-4

I had an impulsive moment and bought something called a Fuji GW690II, aka the Texas Leica – because it is a large camera compared to a slr. It is a little battered and light sealing needs replacing. But I didn’t think I had much to lose with the pricing. This is a 120 format camera. The Hasselblad takes 6×6 format and other medium formats take 6×6 or 6×7 frames. This takes 6×9 frames, which means each roll of 120 takes only 8 frames.

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